
Thursday, February 13, 2014

Reverse List Every K Node

Today I found an question and decide to use F# pattern match to give it a try.

The question is reverse a list every k node. For example, if the input list is [1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10] and k = 3, the output will be [3; 2; 1; 6; 5; 4; 9; 8; 7; 10].

When I use pattern matching, I always like recursive implementation.

 let arr = [1..10]  
 let rec reverse arr i =   
   let reverse2 arr =   
     arr |> List.rev  
   let rec getHeadTail arr i =   
     match i with  
     | 0 -> ([], arr)  
     | _ ->   
       match arr with   
       | [] -> ([], [])  
       | h::t ->   
         let (head,tail) = getHeadTail t (i-1)  
         ([h]@head, tail)  
   let headArr, tail = getHeadTail arr i  
   match tail with  
   | [] -> reverse2 headArr  
   | _ -> reverse2 headArr @ reverse tail i  
 reverse arr 6  

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

F# Code Snippet Updated

I updated the F# code snippet addon for Visual Studio 2013. I will upload the source code to  once the source code is located. I really need to clean up the source code folder. There is no recompile is needed. The root cause for previous addon does not work on VS2013 is because this. The fix is simple, 

  1. download the code snippet vsix file
  2. rename it to .zip file because it is a zip file
  3. find the vsixmanifest file
  4. change InstallationTarget to