
Friday, October 26, 2012

Fix F# WinRT Application Verification Problem

When you use Visual Studio 2012 F# portable library, you can run into the application verification problem. Here is the solution for VS2012 installation.

(1)      Add the following code to your portable DLL


(2)      Go to the project properties for your F# portable DLL and do the following:
a.         Click on Build and set “Configuration” to “Release”
b.         Enter “--staticlink:FSharp.Core” to the “Other flags”
c.         Click on “Build Events”
d.         Set “Run the post-build event” to “When the build updates the project output”
e.         Paste the following text into “Post-build event command line”

 if \"$(ConfigurationName)\"==\"Release\" (  
 "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v8.0A\bin\NETFX 4.0 Tools\ildasm.exe" /linenum /nobar /out="$(TargetName).il" $(TargetFileName)  
 powershell "$lines = '}','} /*','} */'; $matchCount = 0; $clashCount = 0; filter GetOutput { if ($_ -eq ' } // end of method MatchFailureException::.ctor') { $lines[$matchCount++] } else { if ($_ -eq '  } // end of method Clash::.ctor') { $lines[$clashCount++] } else { $_ } } }; (Get-Content $(TargetName).il) | GetOutput | Set-Content $(TargetName).il"  
 "C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\ilasm.exe" /dll /debug=opt /quiet $(TargetName).il  
 copy /y $(TargetName).dll ..\obj\Release\  

        Alternatively, just edit the .fsproj of your portable DLL project and add the following at the end of the first PropertyGroup:

 <PropertyGroup Condition=" '$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'Release|AnyCPU' ">  
   <PostBuildEvent>if \"$(ConfigurationName)\"==\"Release\" (  
 "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v8.0A\bin\NETFX 4.0 Tools\ildasm.exe" /linenum /nobar /out="$(TargetName).il" $(TargetFileName)  
 powershell "$lines = '}','} /*','} */'; $matchCount = 0; $clashCount = 0; filter GetOutput { if ($_ -eq ' } // end of method MatchFailureException::.ctor') { $lines[$matchCount++] } else { if ($_ -eq '  } // end of method Clash::.ctor') { $lines[$clashCount++] } else { $_ } } }; (Get-Content $(TargetName).il) | GetOutput | Set-Content $(TargetName).il"  
 "C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\ilasm.exe" /dll /debug=opt /quiet $(TargetName).il  
 copy /y $(TargetName).* ..\..\obj\Release\  

1 comment:

Don Syme said...

This problem is fixed in Visual Studio 2012 Update 1. Recompile your portable profile components after installing.

However, a related issue remains for any code that uses an F# "exception" declaration, e.g.

exception BadThing of string

This is due to a bug in the F# compiler (which was not updated in VS Update 1, though FSharp.Core.dll was updated). For example, the F# Power Pack code for FsLex/FsYacc uses exception declarations of this kind.

The simplest workaround is to replace these definitions by a class definition, e.g.

type BadThingException(message:string) =
inherit System.Exception(message)

And replace places that catch the exception
try ... with BadThing(msg) -> ...

should be replaced by

try ...
with :? BadThingException as e ->
let msg = e.Message

After making this change systematically you should be able to proceed.