
Sunday, November 4, 2012

F# on Algorithms - Neural Network

This is a neural network (NN) implementation with F#. For a long time, I wanted to learn how NN works. I remember I started my genetic algorithm thesis from a simple C# implementation. I still remember the code and how I used it finished my first assignment. :) When I graduated, the simple GA code became a 600K source code library and C# was the default way I talked to a computer.

I was hoping this can happen to F# as well. Many successful business, in my opinion,  are based on some simple ideas. Hopefully these algorithm can be one of these simple ideas and F# will become the default way in a successful business.

 namespace FSharp.NN 
 open System  
 open System.Collections.Generic 
 // NN factor which serve as the linkage between neurons
 type NeuralFactor(weight:float) =  
   member val HVector = 0. with get, set  
   member val Weight = weight with get, set  
   member this.SetWeightChange rate =   
     this.Weight <- this.Weight + this.HVector * rate  
   member this.Reset() =   
     this.HVector <- 0.  
   override this.ToString() =   
     sprintf "(HVector=%A, Weight=%A)" this.HVector this.Weight  

 type Map = Dictionary<Neuron, NeuralFactor>  
 // the neuron class
 and Neuron(bias) =   
   let sigmoid v = 1. / (1. + exp(-v))  
   member val Bias = NeuralFactor(bias) with get, set  
   member val Error = 0. with get, set  
   member val Input = Map() with get, set  
   member val LastError = 0. with get, set  
   member val Output = 0. with get, set  
   member this.Pulse() =   
     this.Output <- 0.  
     for item in this.Input do  
       this.Output <- this.Output + item.Key.Output * item.Value.Weight  
     this.Output <- this.Output + this.Bias.Weight  
     this.Output <- sigmoid this.Output  
   member this.ApplyLearning rate =   
     for value in this.Input.Values do  
       value.SetWeightChange rate  
     this.Bias.SetWeightChange rate  
   member this.Initialize() =   
     |> Seq.iter (fun value -> value.Reset())  
   override this.ToString() =   
     sprintf "(Bias=%A, Error=%A, Output=%A)" this.Bias this.Error this.Output  

 // the neural layer which hosts one or more neurons
 type NeuralLayer() =   
   inherit List<Neuron>()  
   member this.Pulse() =   
     |> Seq.iter (fun n->n.Pulse())  
   member this.Apply rate =   
     |> Seq.iter (fun n->n.ApplyLearning rate)  
   member this.Initialize() =   
     |> Seq.iter (fun n->n.Initialize()) 
 // the neural network class
 type NeuralNet()=   
   let sigmoidDerivative v = v * ( 1. - v)  
   let rand = new Random()  
   member val LearningRate = 3.0 with get, set  
   member val InputLayer = NeuralLayer() with get, set  
   member val HiddenLayer = NeuralLayer() with get, set  
   member val OutputLayer = NeuralLayer() with get, set  
   member this.Initialize(inputNeuronCount, hiddenNeuronCount, outputNeuronCount) =   
     [1..inputNeuronCount] |> Seq.iter (fun _ -> this.InputLayer.Add(Neuron(0.)))  
     [1..outputNeuronCount] |> Seq.iter (fun _ -> this.OutputLayer.Add(Neuron(0.)))  
     [1..hiddenNeuronCount] |> Seq.iter (fun _ -> this.HiddenLayer.Add(Neuron(0.)))  
     for hiddenNode in this.HiddenLayer do  
       for inputNode in this.InputLayer do  
         hiddenNode.Input.Add(inputNode, new NeuralFactor(rand.NextDouble()))  
     for outputNode in this.OutputLayer do  
       for hiddenNode in this.HiddenLayer do  
         outputNode.Input.Add(hiddenNode, new NeuralFactor(rand.NextDouble()));  
   member this.Pulse() =   
     [ this.HiddenLayer; this.OutputLayer]   
     |> Seq.iter (fun n->n.Pulse())  
   member this.Apply() =   
     [ this.HiddenLayer; this.OutputLayer]   
     |> Seq.iter (fun n->n.Apply(this.LearningRate))  
   member this.InitializeLearning() =   
     [ this.HiddenLayer; this.OutputLayer]   
     |> Seq.iter (fun n->n.Initialize())  
   member this.Train(input: float list list, expected: float list list, iteration) =   
     |> Seq.iter (fun n ->   
             for i=0 to input.Length-1 do  
               this.BackPropogation(input.[i], expected.[i])  
   member this.Prepare(input) = this.InputLayer input  
     |> Seq.iter (fun (a,b) -> a.Output <- b)  
   member this.Calculate() =   
     for outputNode in this.OutputLayer do  
       for hiddenNode in this.HiddenLayer do  
         outputNode.Input.[hiddenNode].HVector <- outputNode.Input.[hiddenNode].HVector + outputNode.Error * hiddenNode.Output;  
       outputNode.Bias.HVector <- outputNode.Bias.HVector + outputNode.Error * outputNode.Bias.Weight;  
     for hiddenNode in this.HiddenLayer do  
       for inputNode in this.InputLayer do  
         hiddenNode.Input.[inputNode].HVector <- hiddenNode.Input.[inputNode].HVector + hiddenNode.Error * inputNode.Output;  
       hiddenNode.Bias.HVector <- hiddenNode.Bias.HVector + hiddenNode.Error * hiddenNode.Bias.Weight;  
   member this.CalculateErrors desiredResults = this.OutputLayer desiredResults  
     |> Seq.iter (fun (outputNode,v) ->   
             outputNode.Error <- (v - outputNode.Output) * sigmoidDerivative(outputNode.Output))  
     for hiddenNode in this.HiddenLayer do  
       hiddenNode.Error <-   
         |> Seq.sumBy (fun outputNode -> (outputNode.Error * outputNode.Input.[hiddenNode].Weight) * sigmoidDerivative(hiddenNode.Output))  
   member this.BackPropogation(input, expected) =   
   member this.Inputs with get(i) = this.InputLayer.[i]  
   member this.Output with get(i) = this.OutputLayer.[i]  
   member this.GetOutputs() =   
     [ for output in this.OutputLayer do yield output.Output ]  
   member this.PrepareInput(input:float list) = this.InputLayer input  
     |> Seq.iter (fun (a,b) -> a.Output <- b)  
 module Test =   
   let high = 0.99  
   let low = 0.01  
   let mid = 0.5  
   let rate = 3.4  
   let input = [ [high;high]; [low;high]; [high;low]; [low;low] ]  
   let output = [ [low]; [high]; [high]; [low] ]  
   let mutable cont = true  
   let net = NeuralNet()  
   let mutable count = 0  
   while cont do  
     count <- count + 1  
     net.Train(input, output, 5)  
     let [ll] = net.GetOutputs()  
     let [hl] = net.GetOutputs()  
     let [lh] = net.GetOutputs()  
     let [hh] = net.GetOutputs()  
     cont <- hh > (mid + low)/2.  
           || lh < (mid + high)/2.  
           || hl < (mid + low) /2.  
           || ll > (mid + high)/2.  
   let [v] = net.GetOutputs()  
   let result = v<0.5  

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