
Saturday, December 15, 2012

Debug F# Type Provider

Recently I am trying to use Type Provider (TP) in our production code. The first question I got is how to debug TP. The following is a way to debug it.

  • download the type provider template or create your own project using the type provider API from codeplex.
  • create a F# console Application in the solution
  • from the F# console application add reference to the type provider project. Let us call this project ConsoleApplication2
  • go to type provider project
  • right click the project and open the project property
  • find the "Debug" tab in the project property
  • set the property like the image shown below:

  •  Set the type provider project as start up project.
When the type provider project starts, it starts visual studio to open the Console application. You can put your break point in the type provider code. Once the debug is finished, the Visual Studio is closed and you are free to modify your code and rebuild the type provider code.

This approach does not requires to close and reopen the Visual Studio.

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